Lost Life APK

Lost Life Apk

Introducing Lost Life

The Lost Life APK is an engaging mobile application that offers users a unique simulation experience, immersing them in the life of a school girl. This app provides players with an opportunity to delve into the daily routines and challenges faced by students, allowing them to navigate through various aspects of school life. From attending classes and completing assignments to interacting with classmates and teachers, this app aims to provide a realistic portrayal of what it’s like being a student.

Lost Life Apk


  • Dark plot: There are strong horror elements in the plot.
  • Sound honest sound: Background music and sound effects change depending on the game’s scenario.
  • More customization: This game comes with many customization settings. We can change the resolution of the game. Additionally, we can record, zoom and more in this game.
Lost Life Apk

How To Download Lost Life Android ?

  1. Turn on Unknown Sources
  2. Get the Lost Life 2 APK for your smartphone
  3. When it’s located, tap it to see installation options
  4. Now, the installation procedure will start. And once finished, you can open it.


Lost Life APK is a perfect choice for everyone who is looking for an entertaining game. The game has a tight storyline about a lonely and scary girl with a number of chapters and a variety of options to give players different experiences. Not only that, the game also has sound effects and scary backgrounds that make the game more unique. In my personal opinion, the game Lost Life APK is worth playing. How about you quickly download the Lost Life APK game to experience it.